
We provide concise, practical and commercial advice on New Zealand tax law to create efficiencies, minimise tax risk and maximise shareholder returns. We provide tax advice to individuals and business enterprises on tax law relating to:

  • international business expansion

  • inbound investment into New Zealand

  • transfer pricing

  • profit repatriation

  • employee share plans, options and remuneration planning

  • taxation of foreign investments

  • business and investment acquisitions and disposals

  • corporate restructuring

  • tax loss carry forward

  • protection of intellectual property and intangible assets

  • land taxing provisions

  • IRD disputes, investigations and audits

  • family owned business succession planning and restructuring

  • tax risk management and dispute resolution

  • tax planning on acquisitions and disposals

  • asset and succession planning

Areas of Practice


We address the following in ensuring your structure is fit for purpose:

  • profit repatriation

  • intellectual property protection

  • asset protection

  • minimising double taxation

  • maximising shareholder returns

  • cross border transactions and transfer pricing compliance

Certainty of tax positions

To help you obtain tax certainty we provide services relating to the following:

  • binding ruling applications

  • advance pricing agreements

  • notices of proposed adjustment to filed tax positions

  • tax risk reviews

  • tax due diligence reviews

  • tax opinions

  • peer reviews

Tax disputes

If you are subject to an Inland Revenue risk review, tax dispute, tax investigation or tax audit we can:

  • manage the risk review process

  • respond to Inland Revenue information requests

  • represent you in meetings with Inland Revenue

  • draft and submit technical responses to dispute notices

  • negotiate settlements

  • minimise the imposition of penalties